Art of Being - Advanced Level

Price incl.GST (10%) AU$17.91
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Product Details

Your journey to yourself will culminate here. Receive all the goodies from the prior to levels in bullet point and essence enabling you to transcend years of work to arrive the doorstep of yourself. We'll get you there and even show you the key once again - but this final step is inly achieved by crossing the threshold we will paint out for you in all 9 colours.

The course includes anytime contact with Kean or staff and all a simple an easy to follow intuitive program including a series of layered You Tubes and course materials to enable your success. It is all done through the process of entrainment, developing intuition and trust enabling a full knowing of present and very empowered person that you will see in the mirror

You will get the lowdown and recap on:

  • The Connection Level and what it really means to be connected.
  • The Next Step Level - which is the Mastery of connection which enables greater peace ease abundance and flow.
  • The Art of Being - which is a culmination of understanding source energy and how it expresses itself in 2 ways and 9 vibrations and frequencies of Natural Success that are as easy to match as a radio station or a TV signal.

You choose the date of the first lesson yourself.and the program can be take at your pace.

You will receive Q & A text support throught the program and be offered to be part of a messenger group and FB page.

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Art of Being - Advanced Level